Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How We

Today I am linking up with Mix and Match Mama and a Little Bit of Everything for their monthly posts on How we.... 

The topic for February is how we take care of ourselves.  When I think of this, I think of how I take care of myself mentally.  Like what I do to prevent myself from going crazy on the crazies.

When I start feeling crazy in my head I tell my people that I need to go run.  I need to go run outside at the park by myself.  Example:  Me - "I need to go run outside" J- "go".  He knows, he can tell when the crazy is starting to set in; J, however is not like this at all, he is very social and wants to be around people all of the time.  He has adjusted to me well.  Coincidentally since I have been sticking with this training plan, I have not said that to anyone in a while.

The other thing I do is spend time by myself (my brother is the same way).  I have always been this way, as a teenager when I got home from school my brother and I would be the only people at the house and we would go to our rooms with absolutely no conversation.   After about 30 minutes we'd be good and watch something on television.  There was no discussion of our system it is just what worked.  Now, as an adult and parent, I cannot come home and just be left alone so I power through (adulting is overrated) and I reserve time for myself at night after the kids are in bed.  I am just someone that has to decompress alone.  If I feel like I cannot get time alone, I will go take a shower.  The water keeps people away :)    

So, if you were to summarize this with "wow she's a loaner".  Yes, I can be.  I am okay with it.  

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